Chinese name rhamnolipid
English name rhamnolipid
Chinese alias rhamnolipid; rhamnose ester
CAS number 869062-42-0
Rhamnolipid is a biometabolic biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas or Burkholderia species. It is also a biosurfactant with the longest research time and the most mature application technology. It occurs naturally in soil, water and plants. It is a glycolipid anionic surfactant.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonase) is generally used at home and abroad to produce rhamnolipids using different carbon sources. Usually, the "rhamnolipid" we describe is not a single structure, but a mixture of many homologous structures. As many as 28 (some say 60) different structures have been found in known reports. Structural rhamnolipid structure (detected by Deziel et al. in the fermentation broth of P_aeruginosa 57RP). It has the basic characteristics of a general surfactant. Its hydrophilic group is generally composed of 1 to 2 molecules of rhamnose ring, and its hydrophobic group is composed of 1 to 2 molecules of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids with different carbon chain lengths. . During the biosynthesis process, these groups may be linked to each other to generate a variety of homologs with similar chemical structures. Research shows that fermentation products generally contain four main types of rhamnolipids, which are generally represented by R1-R4 (or RLl-RL4, RH1-RH4) in academic circles.